Welcome to Fayette Presbyterian Church!

Dried flower, crafting tightly woven wreath with string and name board welcome. Rustic brown wooden and planking door on background. Celebration, preparation, warm greeting of guests. No people

Welcome! At Fayette Presbyterian Church each Sunday, we greet one another saying “It’s good to see you” and responding “It is good to be seen.” We believe that God calls us to be a community that sees one another in moments of joy and heartache and all of the times in between. We hope you will feel seen when you visit our worship service.

We invite you to join us in the narthex between 10:00 am and 10:30 am for conversation. The worship service begins in the sanctuary at 10:30 am. Music varies weekly with hymns, praise songs, and service music led by guitars, trumpet, piano, organ, drums, vocalists, and choir. We follow a similar pattern for our worship (liturgy) each week, and we include storytelling from members of the community, dance, conversation with your neighbor, and silence in addition to our prayers, Scripture reading, sermon, and song. We share Communion together on the first Sunday of the month.

We invite children to join our worship service and participate as they are able. We have a parlor adjacent to the sanctuary where nursing mothers and young children can see and hear the service in a more comfortable space. We also have a nursery with a staff member available starting at 10:20 am until after the worship service. Just before the sermon, children in elementary school are invited to our Godly Play classroom with our children’s church volunteers who are all former teachers. For more information about our children’s spaces, please contact Pastor Ally Lee at alee@fayettepcusa.org.

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