Our History
Our history began in 1957 when Robert K Price asked Greater Atlanta Presbytery for their help to begin a church in Fayetteville. The Presbytery responded with a mobile chapel that was parked at the Price's home on Redwine RD in Fayetteville. Twenty people were in attendance on that first Sunday, May 19, 1957
The congregation moved to the Fayette Co High School Music Room in 1958 and then on to the Fayetteville Masonic Lodge in 1959 where the church was chartered. They began a Sunday School, a Youth Choir, and Wednesday night prayer meetings in a family basement where many prayers were lifted up for a church home.
God continued to provide for the congregation when a 96-year-old gentleman offered to sell the church 4.5 acres for $2500. After purchase, a campus style church home with an Education Building was completed in 1962 with a dedication on Thanksgiving Day, the Sanctuary followed in 1973 as well as the Fellowship Hall.
By the late 80’s, repairs were needed and the Congregation had outgrown the Sanctuary, so search began for a new home. The property was sold, new property was found, and a willing National Heights Baptist Church, rented their facility for worship. Ground was broken on the new site in March of 1995, Thanksgiving was celebrated in Fellowship Hall and Classroom building, the new Sanctuary was dedicated September 29, 1996.
Our community support began early in our journey as a church. The first Clothes Closet and Food Pantry as well as The Fayette County Friendship Center for seniors began at our the church. We have shared our facilities with the Kenneth Miller School for Special Needs children, with numerous civic organizations, Scout Troops, Quilters and AA and Alanon have based their recovery ministries here since their inception in Fayette County. We continue our support and engagement in many ways, from lunches for children and food for families, to monitoring a school ROAR (Respectful, Obedient, Attentive, Responsible) store, to Relay for Life, to Square foot Ministries and other local missions as well as mission trips to Nicaragua and to Haiti, some digging wells, or in schools or orphanages to share the joy and the message of Christ.
In the year 2000, five families from our church assisted in starting a new church in the south part of the county. The South Fayette Presbyterian Church began meeting at Calvin Center in Hampton in 2000. They chartered on March 30, 2003. The name of the church was changed to The Summitt of South Fayette in 2005 and they moved into their new building Sept 17, 2006 on Hwy 92 South. Their hope was to be the community center, a place where many people could have their needs met and project a more contemporary image. In May of 2020, they merged with Fayette Presbyterian, bringing their talent, friendship, and love of community to become a welcome part of our church family.
We now celebrate 65 years of church community and we are grateful for the people who have been important in our journey of faith and life and celebrate the church founder and the vision of those early leaders, the Charter members, Pastors and Associates, Elders and Deacons, Choir leaders and members, Presbyterian Men and Women, Teachers and leaders, Mission Teams local and international, the children who have grown up before our eyes, and to all those who quietly worked and ministered.
As we move forward, all glory and thanks to our Lord, who has made us, called us, provided for us, led us, and continues to be with us on this next step of our continuing history. Let us be truly thankful.