Nicaragua Style Worship

Event details

  • Sunday | October 8, 2017
  • 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Nicaragua Worship on October 8

As part of Fayette Presbyterian’s ongoing work in the community of Leon, Nicaragua, we have sent two mission teams there this summer. As faithful supporters of these trips, either with your
donations or as a trip missionary, you know of the work we do while in country. What you might not be aware of is the blessings we receive when we worship with our Nicaraguan brothers and sisters in Christ. Because Sunday church services are so meaningful to team members, we would like to share that experience with you in worship on Sunday, October 8. The elements of worship are the same. You will recognize some of the songs, and we will share what makes those songs particularly impactful. We will pray in a personal way that is very powerful.  All in all, we will worship our Lord in a way that we hope will give you the feeling of being in a Nicaraguan church.  Weather permitting, our doors will be open to the fresh air, so please dress accordingly!