Fayette Presbyterian’s Children’s Ministry offers a safe and nurturing setting where children can experience fellowship with God, as revealed in Jesus Christ. Our classes and activities are your child’s opportunity to worship God and grow in understanding as they experience Bible stories and make friends. We seek to guide all participants, both learners and leaders, to ministries of prayer and interaction with God’s world and others through mission. We believe each person, regardless of age, is lovable and gifted by God for service to others (even parents are God’s children!). Our objective is to equip and encourage children as they grow in their encounter with Christ and invite others into the encounter!
Children’s Sunday School will resume August 2021. Read more on our Sunday School page.
Nursery Care is available in Rooms A-5 and A-7 down Heritage Hall. Nursery is for infants and toddlers through age 5 (Pre-K) during all worship services and classes. We have an experienced nursery staff member, Christina Price, who is certified in infant and child CPR, along with a volunteer parent as a helper every Sunday. We utilize Child Information Cards to identify specific medical needs and allergies as well as parent contact information.
Children’s Church is a time for kids to worship during the Sunday worship service. Includes Bible stories and fellowship for kindergarten through 5th grade. The kids participate in adult worship until right before the sermon time, when the Pastor will call them forward for a brief Children’s Time. Afterwards, all the kids exit the sanctuary and head downstairs to their own worship space with volunteer. During Children’s Church, our focus is usually the same Bible story as the text for that week’s sermon. We also learn the Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed and music to prepare us for worship with the entire congregation. If parents prefer, children are always welcome to remain our regular worship service.