FPC Christmas Lunch

Event details

  • Friday | July 26, 2024
  • All Day
Christmas Dinner for our Church Family.
Please join us on Sunday, December 15 after worship for our annual FPC Family Christmas Dinner. There will be a sign up sheet in the main hallway in late November, or you can email church@fayettepcusa.org and we’ll sign you up!

Fellowship Dinner Costs are: Adults $6, Kids ages 3 to 12 $3, Kids under 3 are free, with a Family Max of $18. If, for any reason, you cannot afford the dinner cost, but would like to attend – please don’t hesitate to sign up: you are covered.

Caroling Opportunity!

After Lunch, we will head to go caroling to our homebound residents and their friends at local retirement centers. Please let us know when you sign up if you’re able to go caroling so we can make the plans ahead of time.